Many thanks for considering making a referral to us. Any problems please call our helpline on 0300 012 4272

Who can refer?

  • As a carer you can self-refer, meaning you can contact WICH directly using the secure referral form on the homepage (SELF REFERRAL) or by calling the helpline on 0300 012 4272.
  • If you are a professional working with a carer, you can refer them to WICH with their permission using the secure referral form on the homepage (REFER A CARER)
  • If you are a partner, friend or family member you can also refer a carer to WICH using the secure referral form on the homepage (REFER A CARER)

If you are making a referral on behalf of someone else you will need their name, address, contact details, date of birth and some information about their caring role.

Please ensure the carer is fully aware that you are making the referral and that you you add your details to the form.

What happens when I make a referral?

When a referral is made to the Worcestershire Integrated Carers Hub (WICH) we gather some personal details to ensure we tailor the support we offer to the carer.

 All carers referred to WICH receive a Welcome pack and information and advice appropriate to their current support needs.

Some carers may not have a specific enquiry or require support right away but would like the reassurance of knowing where to go for support and to keep up to date with news and information.