Board of Trustees

Worcestershire Association of Carers (WAC) is a registered charity (no.1071850) and also company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (no. 3485330).

The organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees, the Chair and Vice Chair of which are elected and appointed annually from the serving Trustees. The Board will have a minimum of eight and maximum of twelve Trustees.

Under the Memorandum & Articles of Association of Worcestershire Association of Carers the Board must include least two Carers or former Carers.

Current Board of Trustees:

Diana Fulbrook OBE (Chair)

I am a retired Chief Executive of a Probation Trust, so I have years of experience in managing an organisation and of working in a caring profession. I had caring responsibilities as a child and am well aware of the stress and pressures this can create within a family, so WAC provides an essential means of support for carers. Since retirement I have chaired both an Adult and Children’s Safeguarding Board and am Chair of a special residential school for the blind and visually impaired. I was appointed Chair of the WAC Board after several years of being a board member.

David Mann (Vice Chair)

After a 43-year career in technical management in the food industry, mostly at director level, I retired in 2016 and became a trustee in 2017.  While I have limited experience of relatives and friends who have been long term carers, I add value to WAC through my business skills in coaching, people and team development, policy development, quality systems and continuous improvement. I have chaired the General Purposes Sub-Committee since February 2018 and been Vice-Chair since September 2019. 

Colin Archer (Company Secretary)

I retired in 2001 after 25 years in senior management roles in the Probation Service here in Worcestershire. I have relatives and close friends who are and have been long term carers, and have experience as a carer myself. Since becoming a trustee, and more recently Chair of WAC for five years, I have gained more knowledge and seen the profile of carers increase. I will continue to use this experience to benefit Worcestershire Association of Carers.

Mary Horner


I am a Registered Nurse, with a longstanding career of over 40 years dedicated towards the care and support of people across both Health and social care environments at a Clinical, Managerial and Board level.  Most of my career has involved working with people and their families, carers or loved ones and supporting them through the complex environment of health and well-being. In addition to my clinical experience I bring to WAC my knowledge in clinical risk management, governance, Health and Safety and quality assurance. I am passionate about enabling people to be able to support their own decisions through accessible information and guidance, something WAC has within its fundamental principles.  In addition, I have my own personal understanding and experience of how challenging the role of a carer can be and feel it is important that the voice of carers are seen and heard. 

Berenice Brown - more details to follow

David Sullivan

I have a 36 year career in the Hospitality and Automotive Industries focussing mainly on Retail Development in each Industry. My last role, before semi-retiring at the end of 2020, was as Managing Director for a Truck Dealership.   I bring to WAC as a Trustee knowledge of governance, finance, risk management and a specialism Retail.  I have no direct experience of being a carer…..yet. I know I will get this experience in the not too distant future.

Miranda Peel

Having co-founded a business in 2009 I have seen all aspects of company growth and my particular area of expertise is in HR after heading up this function. I came to appreciate how vital setting the culture and tone of a company is for businesses to work effectively and I am pleased that WAC has strong values which are seen throughout the charity. I bring to WAC this “people” experience and will help to support the charity and its staff. I don’t have any direct carer experience but I support a number of individuals on a more ad-hoc basis through church.

Clare Taylor

I am a carer and have been caring for my son who has disabilities since his birth twenty-two years ago. He was born with a rare craniofacial condition known as Pfeiffer’s Syndrome. This has resulted in life long physical disabilities including visual and hearing impairments and mobility difficulties. As a baby and young child, he was tube fed and had both an artificial airway and tracheostomy due to breathing difficulties; so, I developed some nursing skills along the way. Various surgeries and growth resolved those problems. During these years, I have had to mostly navigate, but sometimes fight, my way through the health, education and social care systems.  I am pleased to report that he is now at university studying Film Production with adequate support in place. We recently relocated to Worcester and I was introduced to WAC and was eager to share my experiences so applied to be a trustee. By profession I am a solicitor and have managed after an extended career break to combine both a legal career and caring thanks to both a supportive family and employers.

What is the role of a Trustee?

The Charities Act 1993 defines charity trustees as “persons having the general control and management of the administration of a charity”

The Statutory duties of a trustee are to ensure that:

  • WAC complies with the governing document (Memorandum and Articles of Association in the case of a company limited by guarantee), charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.
  • WAC pursues its charitable objectives as defined in the governing document.
  • WAC applies its resources exclusively in the furtherance of its objectives as stated in the governing document.
  • Effective and efficient management of the organisation through the Chief Executive and nominated Trustees.
  • The financial stability of WAC and the probity of all its financial dealings through the nominated Treasurer. Protecting and managing the property of the organisation and ensuring the proper investment of the charity’s funds.
  • They attend trustee meetings regularly and contribute actively to the board of trustees’ role giving clear strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and objectives, setting targets and evaluating performance against them.
  • They at all times, safeguard the good name and values of WAC.
  • They appoint and support the Chief Executive and assist the Chairperson in the monitoring of his or her performance. Vacancies occur on the WAC Board from time to time. If you think you would be interested in contributing to our work in this way, please contact the Chief Executive in the first instance.

Summary of Future Plans

The Trustee Board produce a five year strategic plan which is reviewed annually. 

The priorities for 2022-23 are:

  • Meeting the needs of carers
  • Performance and quality
  • Secure a sustainable future
  • Effective strategic leadership and governance

WAC'S Memorandum and Articles of Association

Our Annual General Meetings (AGMs)






Other Documents

Impact Reports




Compliments and Complaints

Keeping your Personal Information Safe