Worcestershire Association of Carers’ ’Caring Communities’ Conference was held on 4th October at Stanbrook Abbey Hotel, Worcester.

The Conference focused on Caring Communities—asking the question “What would a Carer friendly Worcestershire look like?” We took this idea forward in our workshop and looked at areas such as transport, education, community services, and Government. It was a productive workshop, with people not only considering current problems, but putting forward some great ideas for us to take forward on how things can improve.

Huge thanks to our amazing speakers at the Conference. Firstly, Ruth Patil from Carers  Worldwide, speaking about the vital impact her organisation is making on carers in low and middle income families in India and Nepal. Secondly, Rachel Leslie, a consultant in Public Health, gave a talk on “Adding Years to Life and Life to Years”.

The final part of the day was a reminder of how important it is to keep active, both for physical and mental health. Madeleine Dawson ran an interactive session, demonstrating simple stretch exercises that could be performed with a resistance band on a daily basis. Everyone could then take the bands home to continue with the exercises they learnt.

Several awards were handed out this year, reflecting fantastic work being carried out, all well deserving of recognition. The award recipients were:

Howerd Brooksbank Special Recognition Award—John Hood for his long standing contribution to carers as a WAC trustee.

Howerd Brooksbank Annual Recognition Award—Sarah Taylor-Robinson (below left), for all her work supporting Carers, particularly around mental health.

Barbara Moore Long Service Awards—Alison and Andrea (below right) for their volunteer work with the ‘Crafty Carers’.

Nancy Croft Caring Communities Award—Shirley Goddard for her fantastic work with the Carers Choir.

The AGM was also held on the same day, giving us the opportunity to show the beneficial   impact WAC has on carers. We’d also like to give a big thank you to our invaluable trustees for all the support they give us.