Carers Allowance Increase

If you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone with an illness or disability, you may be eligible for extra money called Carer’s Allowance.
It is paid at a rate of £81.90 per week (2024/25).

If you want to learn more about Carers Allowance you can watch this short film from Carers UK.

For more information on how to apply and your eligibility, you can find out more information on the government website.

Carers Allowance Eligibility.

Carers Credit

If the person(s) you care for can't live without daily help and gets certain benefits, carer's credit could boost your state pension by £1,000s, or you could even be entitled to nearly £4,000 a year.

Money Saving Expert has more information here: 

Carers Credit

Council Tax 

Council Tax Discounts are available for a number of households. Carers and those in receipt of particular benefits can apply. The full list is on the website, but does include Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Disability Living Allowance, (rates apply) Employment and Support Allowance and Working Tax Credits (with disability premium). Full details are on the form. 

In Worcestershire, you can find out more here:

Council Tax Discounts

People caring for someone can use this form to apply: Caring for someone form

For those with a Severe Mental Impairment, use this form to apply: Severe mental impairment form

Please note: Applicants will need to supply evidence from DWP that they are in receipt of benefits to claim. 

If both forms apply to  your household, you can fill both in and send on to Worcester City Council.

Find out more on our information page about benefits. Spotlight on Benefits