Welcome to our interactive and informative sessions for unpaid carers!

Carers often feel the profound effect caring can have on their own lifestyle – spending long hours providing  care, juggling their own needs with those of the person they are caring for, and forfeiting their social time. As a result, carers of people with dementia are more likely to experience stress and depression. 

Jane told us: 'Dad lived by himself and would call me day or night, if he couldn't get hold of me he would immediately ring the police. I was permanently on edge, waiting for the phone to ring, waking up in the night listening for the phone. 

I was physically and emotionally exhausted – I stopped seeing my friends and going out. I was desperate for help, but kept putting off going to the doctor. If it had been as easy as logging onto one of your webinars at home it would have made a huge difference.' 

This may be your situation, so please join us with our expert from AgeUK for an upbeat invigorating session on Dementia Awareness, and discussion about problems and solutions.

Whether you are planning to join us online or in person for this session, you will receive all you need to know. 

Joining online is simple. All you need to do is book a place using the booking system below and we will email you all the information you will need. This will include a link that you will click at the relevant time and date of your session and will be sent to you a couple of days prior to the event happening. 

Please note: you might need to check your spam and junk mail folder. 

All you need is access to the internet, a phone, laptop, tablet or computer with a camera and microphone (most laptops and phones have this built in now). 

Joining us in person?

We really look forward to seeing you at Malvern Gate on the 25th September.

All the information you need will be sent in a booking confirmation email and we will send you a reminder a couple of days prior to the event.

Please note, these sessions are for carers who are signed up to receive our services here at Worcestershire Association of Carers.

Don’t Worry - if you haven't already registered with us, you can join us by using the self-referral button on our website. You can also contact us via phone, email or webchat for more support to sign up to our events.

We offer a wide range of information, advice, support, training, activities, carer voice and many more opportunities to support you in your caring role as well as these fantastic events and we look forward to welcoming you. 

Should you wish to contact us with any queries, or to sign up you can do so by contacting:

0300 012 4272
[email protected]

We hope you enjoy the session and look forward to seeing you there.

Book a place

Ticket Quantity Price

Dementia Awareness 25th Sept l ONLINE

Decrease Increase £0.00

Dementia Awareness 25th Sept - IN PERSON

Decrease Increase £0.00