So, I ran the Worcester 10k two years ago and realised that 1) I am no runner, 2) I should put an end to any thoughts of ever becoming one, and 3) 52 minutes is an awfully long time when it's hurting.

Roll forward two years and it only took a bit of coaxing by a friend and I agreed to run a half marathon. What on Earth was I thinking? To this day I don't know what came over me... but it's all too late now, I've paid the non-refundable entrance fee. [Gulp]

All I need you to do is sponsor me an unfeasibly large amount and I can end my running career on a never-to-be-repeated, couldn't-be-equalled high.

Worcester Association of Carers is a well-sound organisation that deserves more support. I admire what they and the carers do, and two+ hours of pain is little to sacrifice to raise a few quid for them. (Again, what am I saying... TWO hours ... PLUS).

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