“In Memory” gifts or donations

Giving a gift in memory is a touching way to remember someone special by honouring their life and supporting a cause that was important to them. All donations we receive allow us to reach and support more carers in the county.

There are a number of ways your loved one can be remembered:

  • Organise fundraising events and sponsored activities in memory of your loved one

  • Donate in their memory

  • Setting up an 'in memory page' for your loved one
  • Sponsor a volunteer

  • Request donations instead of flowers at a loved one’s funeral 

One lasting legacy offered by a family is an annual award for the person who WAC believes has made an outstanding contribution to improving the lives of carers in Worcestershire, which is presented at our AGM. 

We always want to show our appreciation of gifts or donations and with the permission of the giver, information is shared with our community of carers in our quarterly newsletter, ‘Caring News’. Your loved ones name will be remembered as supporters of WAC.

If you are considering giving in memory, please contact us at [email protected] for further no obligation information. You can also donate now via the “donate” button above,