Why not help us support the 52,000 carers we are yet find? We are grateful to all those that support our fundraising activities and who make a real difference to the lives of carers in Worcestershire.


If you, your group, school or organisation would like to organise your own fundraising event, we will offer support and guidance to make your event a great success.


There are many examples of how you could raise funds.  


  • Take on a challenge and collect sponsorship.


  • Each year many people run for Carers at Worcester’s 10k run. If you have an idea for a challenge please contact us.


  • Set up an online fundraising page and get sponsorship, payment or donations paid directly into the WAC account


  • Take part in our yearly ‘Carols for Carers’ sing-a-long.


  • Or, hold a ‘bake off’, BBQ, a dance or a fashion show or a garage sale. The only limit is your imagination!


If you would like to volunteer as a WAC fundraiser please contact us at FundRaising@carersworcs.org.uk